代購【 日本 直送 | MARNA coffee dripper | 咖啡過濾器 】



代購【 日本直送 | MARNA coffee dripper | 咖啡過濾器 】 愛飲手沖咖啡的你,或者新手既你,有時唔知道點樣控制沖咖啡嘅水量⁉️ 這款過濾器可為您更容易控制熱水的份量,關鍵就在過濾器底部特別設計的一粒透明膠粒。你只需將熱水緩慢均勻地倒在咖啡過濾器中央的咖啡粉上,當你見到咖啡從濾紙底開始滴出少量咖啡到透明膠粒時,請暫時停止加熱水,等待10-20秒浸泡咖啡一下,待熱水可以徹底將咖啡粉浸軟並泡出咖啡香味後,再分兩次將熱水倒入沖泡。沖泡一杯完美香氣芬芳的咖啡就係咁簡單啦! 此咖啡過濾器可沖1-2杯咖啡。 This smart dripper tells you an appropriate amount of hot water for damping ground coffee, which is the key to making a perfectly aromatic brewed coffee. Slowly and evenly pour hot water over the ground coffee in the dripper. When the coffee liquid starts dripping from the end of the paper filter, stop pouring hot water as that’s the time the right amount of hot water has been poured. Wait for 10 seconds for blooming, then pour hot water into the dripper in two batches to brew. No need to fold a paper filter when placing it in the dripper. Serves 1-2 cups of coffee. 🔹size: 約105×94×116mm 🔹耐熱温度:100℃ 🔹質料:飽和聚酯樹脂 🔹產地:中國 🔹訂購約10~15個工作天到貨 (星期一至五,不包括香港和日本公眾假期)  ❇️ 更多其他咖啡產品:https://bit.ly/39Ph75l ❇️其他廚房用品:https://www.dcshop.hk/c/家居用品/廚房用品?cat=all Not use in HKG 不在香港使用 | 239773-796

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